How It Works

1 in 6 septic systems fail every year. And the reason they fail is the soil in the disposal field clogs up with slime from the anaerobic bacteria that is a result of not having oxygen in your septic tank. The very protective coating that allows this bacteria to live without oxygen, ruins the typical septic system. The two very costly options are, 1 - you could repair or 2 - replace your entire system. The Remediator is designed to give you a third, affordable, effective and better, option.

The inability of anaerobic bacteria to break down wastes is the primary reason for failure of your traditional septic systems. When large colonies of these anaerobic bacteria migrate from the septic tank to the disposal field they build up to produce a mucus-like layer of slime, or biomat. The biomat coats the insides of the plumbing and clogs the pores of the soil so air cannot circulate.

Our answer to the situation

The Septic Renew Remediator creates an oxygen rich environment that kills the anaerobic bacteria and grows a massive amount of highly aerobic bacteria in your septic tank. This aerobic bacteria digests or breaks down the organic matter in your septic field. Massive numbers of the aerobic bacteria exit the septic tank and make their way into the drainfield, cleaning everything along the way.

The Septic Renew Remediator system can be installed in most existing septic systems without modifying or altering the system. Even the government says “Aerobic bacteria technology was assessed as a remediation option for failed or failing sewage treatment systems. The assessment found that no detrimental effects or changes to the basic operating principles of an existing sewage treatment system occurred and that performance was improved.”… Who does not want improved performance?

The introduction of oxygen creates the ideal environment for our blend of aerobic bacteria to thrive and decompose your waste. The Septic Renew Remediator has a built in surface area for attached aerobic bacterial growth and to form colonies on, along with the circulation of the wastes through the Remediator allows for suspended aerobic bacterial growth giving you double the effectiveness of most systems. The waste is circulated around the aerobic bacteria numerous times per day, shortening the time required for the waste to be digested before it flows out to the drainfield.

Ongoing Maintenance Of Your Septic Field

The aerobic bacteria digests the organic waste to a point that the effluent is almost clear water as it exits the tank. The aerobic bacteria flows out with the effluent through the distribution system and into your drainfield keeping it clean and preventing biomat build up.

The Septic Renew aerobic bacteria will multiply and grow to the level that the waste can maintain and the system will maintain a health aerobic bacterial colony indefinitely as long as they are provided oxygen and waste, making it a permanent solution to septic system. The aerobic colonies will adapt to the changing waste environment as log as aerobic conditions remain and waste continues to enter the system. When demands increase, the colonies will increase, when wastes are reduced the aerobic bacteria will recede to the appropriate level to produce effluent water fit for irrigation.

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